Friday, April 26, 2019

Trip to Old Cemeteries in Vienna

This morning when we got up, the rain was gone and the sun was out - a much nicer day than yesterday. After breakfast Mike and I drove the 44 miles down to Vienna 

to look for a couple of cemeteries that my great-grandparents and 2nd great-grandparents are buried in. I had looked up the directions and knew where they were located.

The first one we went to was the Wildcat Cemetery and was down a narrow gravel road.

We parked the car just off of the road and started walking around the cemetery. I was looking for my Utley great-grandparents, but unfortunately the majority of the gravestones were unreadable and there were a large number of stones that were broken or only pieces of the stones were still there.

We then drove back into Vienna and down another road to find the Holt Cemetery. According to Google Maps there was a road leading out to the cemetery, but when we got to the location of the road it wasn't
there. It appears the cemetery is out in a field and we weren't going to start walking out trying to find it. So no luck there either. A disappointing day, but I've learned to not get my hopes up too much when we're looking at very old cemeteries - especially those that aren't being kept up.

We went back to Benton and when we reached the Public Square, we took photos of the Franklin County Courthouse and the buildings on the square.

We got back to Frances and Jack's house a few minutes before they returned from doing some errands. We had sandwiches with potato salad, and raw vegetables for lunch and we all just relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.

Jack had put a roast in the crockpot this morning and we had that with corn and potatoes followed by ice cream and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. The roast was so tender, it practically fell apart and was really good.

Tomorrow we're getting together with some of my other cousins for lunch.

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