Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Drive along Colorado River & on the La Sal Loop Road

We spent the morning here at the trailer and then had an early lunch. We left the campground at 12:30 and drove into Moab to get to UT-128 that parallels the Colorado River.

We saw several campgrounds (no hookups) along the banks of the Colorado River.

The scenery through the canyon was spectacular.

We drove out to look at Fisher Towers.

After seeing Fisher Towers, we retraced our drive on UT-128 to the entrance to La Sal Loop Road. La Sal Loop Road is a 50 mile narrow winding road through the Manti-La Sal National Forest.

The road winds out to the Castle Valley

and then up through the mountains and I do mean UP,

and UP

and UP.

And who would think to find
Porta Potties up this high?

We just kept going up and the snow on the ground got deeper and it even snowed on us.

Tinker even enjoyed getting some of the clear mountain air!

He didn't seem to mind that it was 42° outside.

We eventually started back down from the mountains

with a few twists and turns.

We got back down about 3:30 

and got back to the campground at 3:45. We took 285 photos today and narrowed them down to 240. It was really hard to select which ones to include in our photo album for today, but I got it down to 131. 

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