Wednesday, March 6, 2019

On Our Way to Utah

We were up at 7:00 this morning. It was 46° with a wind chill of 40° when I walked Tinker first thing this morning. After breakfast we loaded the last minute items from the frig, our laptops, and bed pillows. We hitched up the car and trailer and then decided to have an early lunch at 11:15.

After lunch Mike drove the trailer off of the leveling blocks and discovered that we had a nail in the back tire on the passenger side of the car. It's now 12:00 and we're all packed with the car and trailer hitched up - and there's a NAIL in the tire! Really?! Mike pulls the nail out of the tire with a pair of pliers and it's a screw about 1/4" long - not long enough to have punctured through the tire tread. Whew!

Mike and I took our showers and then afterwards went over to see our neighbor Barbara to say goodbye and give her a copy of our trip map and a calendar showing where we would be each day.

Then we got put Tinker in the car and we were ready to leave - oops! I forgot to get Tinker's food and water bowls and his favorite toy Bear. Then I realized we hadn't changed the thermostat on the A/C & Mike had forgotten to turn off the water heater. OK - 2 extra trips back in the house and we're ready to go - not! I had left my soda on the kitchen counter, so one more trip in the house.

We are finally on the road at 1:11 and heading north on I-95. We arrived at Exit 311 on I-95 a few minutes after 4:00 and then at St. John's RV Park at 4:22.

The office closed at 4:00, so there was no one there. We had paid a $20 deposit on tonight's camping fee,
so we'll just go to the office in the morning & pay the balance. There was a map of the campground on the office door and they had written our name down on the campsite we were to be in. 

The campsite is a pull-through with a concrete pad. However, the concrete is broken and very uneven - which actually worked out for us. 

I had Mike position the trailer wheels on the higher parts of concrete and we were able to get the trailer level without having to use the leveling blocks. Mike hooked up the water, electric and cable, but not the sewer. The sewer connection is up towards the front of the campsite, so in the morning we'll just move the trailer up to the connection and dump our tanks before we leave.

We've had dinner and are watching TV. It's 42° right now and is supposed to be 46° at 8:00 in the morning. We brought a small electric heater and are using it for heat tonight and we're quite comfortable. We do have a propane heater in the trailer, but we really don't need to use it tonight.

We only drove 163 miles today. We didn't want to have a long driving day today and by leaving this afternoon we didn't feel rushed to get on the road.

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