Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Driving from Zion National Park to Gouldings Campground

It was 47° with a wind chill of 45° when we got up yesterday morning at 7:00. By the time we broke camp and got to the dump station to dump our tanks, it was 9:00. 

We left Zion National Park about 9:15 and there was already a long line forming of cars waiting to get in the park.

We stopped at a Maverick station in Hurricane to get gas ($2.799 a gallon). I went inside while Mike was pumping gas to find something for a snack and got a couple of Apple Empanadas.

We stopped at Kanab, UT to get gas and paid $2.819 a gallon for premium. We then headed east on US-89.

We needed to buy some groceries, so we stopped at the WalMart in Page, AZ and then got gas at a Shell station ($3.209 a gallon). We saw this houseboat being escorted
through a roundabout at Page.

From Page we drove south on AZ-98

to US-160 and then north

to US-163 North

where we crossed back in to Utah again.

We arrived here at Goulding's at 4:50 and checked in.We had paid a deposit of $59.82 (1 night's fee) back on Sept. 22 when we made the reservation, so we paid $299.10 today for the balance of our six day stay here. 

We are in site 12 which is at the end of a row, so we only have 1 RV next to us. The way our windows are situated, we have a clear view out the bedroom windows and the one over the loveseat.

We drove 262 miles today from Watchman Campground. We traveled on several different highways today and it was through a lot of barren and desolate country with homes few and far between. We do have cell service here, but it is Extended 3G. 

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