Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Campsite Photos

We realized that we hadn’t taken any photos of our campsite here at Harbor View, so Mike took some this evening.

From Colonial Beach

From Colonial Beach

I spent the better part of today at the activity room/laundry here at the campground uploading photos to our web albums and updating our blog. The Verizon internet signal at our campsite is really low (sometimes we lose the signal altogether) and to upload photos to our web album takes a long time - remember the "speed" of dial-up?

I did go back to the RV for lunch and a little break before going back up to the office building. I managed to get our blog and photos updated to through Sunday when we arrived here.

Fortunately I have Windows Live Writer installed on my laptop and I can write the narrative for our blog and save it until I can upload it later to our blog and then publish it. I also label our photos so they are ready to upload to our web albums and then I can insert some of them in our blog once I can get on-line.

Tomorrow we’re driving down to Heathsville in Northumberland County to the historical society there to research the Neales who lived there during the late 1600’s and early 1700’s.

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