Friday, June 22, 2012

Hot with thunderstorms

We didn't go any where today for two reasons - it was supposed to be hot (mid-90's) and we were supposed to have thunderstorms. Well, both forecasts were correct. It was hot and the thunderstorms started moving in around 4:00. The sky got really dark and then we started getting a lot of wind. Our awning was out and staked down, but the wind gusts were so strong that we ended up putting the awning up.

We had planned on cooking sausages on the grill for dinner, but that was out. So we went to Plan B and I fixed them in a skilllet on the stove.

It is still raining and we've had a couple of really heavy downpours. We've had about a 1/2 inch of rain and the winds have been around 20 mph with gusts up to 30 - 40 mph. It's supposed to quit raining around midnight and lately all we've had is a light rain.

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