Monday, June 18, 2012

Another day of genealogy research

Yesterday was Father's Day and Fletcher called to wish Mike a happy Father's Day. We had planned to go sightseeing yesterday, but most of the places we wanted to visit were closed on Sundays. So, we just spent a quiet day here at the RV and relaxed. I called my brother Cyril last night and wished him a happy Father's Day.

This afternoon I drove the 28 miles back down to the Olivia Raney Library to do some final research on my Utley ancestors. I printed copies of my 5th great grandfather William Utley's will and estate sale and my 4th great grandparents Jacob and Phoebe Utley's wills and estate sales. I found out that I could have saved the $5.75 I paid for the printed copies ($.25 a page) if I had brought in a flash drive and just saved the copies to it.

Oh well - note to self - take a flash drive when I go to a library from now on out just in case the library lets patrons save copies to flash drives.

I did find a will abstract for my 5th great-granduncle Henry Youngblood. I had conflicting information that he died in Johnston, South Carolina, but I checked the Johnston County, NC records and there was Henry!

I left the library about 5:30 and drove back to the campground in the afternoon rush hour. Fortunately, the traffic wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I got back to the RV a little before 6:30.

I had cooked spaghetti a couple of nights ago, so all I had to do tonight was heat up the spaghetti sauce and cook the noodles and heat up some bread.

Tomorrow we are leaving here and heading east to Virginia Beach where we will stay for about 3 weeks.

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