Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cherry Creek State Park

Tinker is still adjusting to Mountain Time - he wanted us to get up at 6:00 this morning - not happening! We did get up a little after 7:00 and it was 46°. We even ran the heat a little last night and had our electric blanket on.

This morning I called Dish Network this morning to have our location changed so our programs come on in the correct time zone and spent 50 minutes on the phone. Apparently because we are in the Denver area, we are supposed to receive local networks even though we get network channels through All American Direct. So the customer service rep had to check with someone and found out we didn't have to get the Denver stations. Our account is listed as a residential account and it needs to be changed to a RV account. I was also told that we need to fax in our vehicle registration for the RV every year to maintain our status as a RV account. Long story short - our programs are now showing in Mountain Time and we have 30 days to fax in our RV registration to Dish Network. I can hardly wait until I have to call them again to change our location so our shows come on in the same time zone as the one we're in!

By the time I finished my call to Dish Network, it was time to take Tinker to a Petsmart near the state park this morning for his 10:00 appointment for a bath. Afterwards we stopped by Wal-Mart Supercenter to get a few groceries before heading back to the RV. While we were at Wal-Mart I took this photo of Mt. Evans. It is about 45 miles from Aurora and is 14,264 feet high.

From Colorado

Then I took this photo of Mt. Evans at the state park on the way back to the RV. Just beautiful!

From Colorado

 I had just started to fix lunch when Petsmart called to say that Tinker was ready to be picked up. We ate lunch before leaving to get Tinker and stopped at the Home Depot near Petsmart to get a couple of items before we got Tinker at Petsmart.

From Colorado

We stopped by the new laundromat here in the campground to see when it would be ready and they were waiting on the gas to be connected for the dryers this afternoon. Guess what I'm doing in the morning? They have 3 washers & 3 dryers and I have more than 3 loads, so I'll be there a while.

I spent the rest of the day updating our expenses in Quicken, paying a few bills and catching up on some stuff.

Mike replaced the elevation sensor for our rooftop satellite. He had ordered a refurbished elevation sensor kit and it was in the mail we picked up yesterday. He went up on the roof and replaced the elevation sensor and then installed the LED readout plate. We cranked the satellite dish up and tuned in our satellite and it worked fine. But we switched back to the portable dish, because the wind was blowing enough to make the rooftop dish wobble and lose the signal.

Mike did take photos of the campground this afternoon. There are more people coming into the campground and I'm sure it will be full by this weekend.

From Colorado

From Colorado

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