Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Preparing for Irma

The last few days have been pretty hectic. According to the weather and news forecasts, it looks like Hurricane Irma is on her way to Florida. Mike and I have decided to leave and take our travel trailer and not sit out Irma here.

So Mike has made reservations at Styx River Resort at Robertsdale, AL for Sept. 7 for a week. Styx River is a Coast to Coast campground and we can use our points to stay there and it won't cost us anything - yeah, FREE camping!

I've cancelled our newspaper delivery and put our mail on hold for that week. A lot of the stores are running out of bottled water and fortunately Sam's got a delivery in today. I went online at Sam's last night and ordered a couple of cases of water to pick up this morning. When I went to pick up the water, the clerk had even hidden the cases of water in the pick-up area so no one could see them. I even had the clerk at the exit door at Sam's ask me how I was able to get the bottled water and I told him I had ordered it on line last night. I even had people in the parking lot ask me how I managed to get bottled water since Sam's had already sold out of the truck load that came in that morning.

We don't have any shutters on our house windows, so I've spent a good part of today moving lamps and other things away from the windows. I've taken the breakable stuff off of dressers and shelves and put in dresser drawers, pictures that we have around I have put in drawers or on shelves in closets. I've gone through the house and taken photos of everything - furniture, photos, curio cabinets, anything I can think of, in case the windows get broken or the roof is torn off.

A few days ago Mike had tried calling several indoor RV storage places within about 50 miles of us to see if they had any openings and no luck. 

Mike has connected the electric to the trailer and we are running the A/C and the frig in preparation for leaving. We've also started taking stuff out to the trailer. I always make it a point after we get back from a camping trip, to wash the bed sheets and then make the bed in trailer just in case we need to pack up in a hurry - at least that is done.

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