Monday, April 11, 2016

Back home after 9 days and 2064 miles

We got up this morning about 7:30, walked and fed Tinker and then packed the car. We left the motel at 8:30 and drove over the Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Mike ordered the Double Meat breakfast with bacon & sausage, scrambled eggs, grits and biscuits and gravy. I had the Old Timer's breakfast with scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, biscuits and gravy. 

We always save a little piece or two of bacon to give to Tinker when we get back to the car. The weather has warmed up since we are further south, so we left the car running with the A/C on and locked while we ate breakfast. We left Cracker Barrel about 9:15 and stopped at a Flash Foods station to get gas ($1.859 a gallon) and a Starbucks for another cup of coffee before getting back out on I-75. 

We stayed on I-75 south until we reached I-10 and then went east to Jacksonville and then south on I-95. We stopped for lunch at a Steak n Shake at a Melbourne exit and were back on the road by 1:00. 

When we got off of I-95 at the Sebastian exit, we stopped to get gas ($1.879 a gallon) before going home. We arrived home at 2:15. 

We were gone for 9 days and traveled 2064 miles. We had a great visit with my cousins and our friend Symphony, but it is nice to be back home and to sleep in our own bed tonight.

While we were traveling, the screen on our Garmin GPS developed vertical lines on the map. I'm going to research that to see what is causing it and if it can be fixed, but I'm thinking that a new GPS is in our future.

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