Friday, September 18, 2015

Granbury to Jacksonville, TX

This morning we left Carole's house and started our trip back to the east. Carole offered to make us breakfast before we left, but we said we would just get something on the road since she was leaving this morning to go spend a couple of days with some friends. Carole did give us some snacks to take with us. We were on the road by 8:45 and were heading south to go to Centerville.

We stopped at the Burger King in Glen Rose about 9:15 for breakfast where we had our usual croissants with sausage for Mike and bacon for me with orange juice and coffee.
After breakfast we drove south along county roads and passed through Meridian where I took a photo of the Bosque County Courthouse.

and from there we drove to Waco and then east to Centerville.

I wanted to stop by the Leon County Genealogical Society in Centerville to do some research on Mike's Fletcher and Manning ancestors that lived in that county in the 1800's. We arrived in Centerville about noon and found a parking place on E. Main Street by the courthouse. The genealogical society doesn't open until 1:00, so we walked Tinker and then sat down on a bench and ate some of the snacks that Carole had given us.

While Mike stayed with Tinker, I walked over to the circuit clerk's office to do some research, but didn't find any new information. Then I walked back over to the Genealogical Society's office (it was a little after 1:00) and it was closed. I checked with the office next door and they said someone had just left the society and was going to be gone the rest of the day. I would have called the society's phone to be sure someone would be there today, but they don't have a phone number listed on their website.

But I did get to see the restored courtroom for the district court. It's on the second floor and I took a few photos. The current courthouse (the 3rd courthouse) was built in 1886 on the site of 1858 courthouse that burned down in November 1885. The courtroom was restored to its 1906 appearance when the courthouse was restored during the early 2000's.

It was 2:00 when we left Centerville and took TX-75 north to US-79 to Jacksonville, TX and arrived at the La Quinta on US-69 where we're spending the night. We checked in and spent the afternoon in the room until we went out for dinner at Posado's Café just up the street. Mike and I both had Steak Fajita Quesadillas and Shiner Bock.

We drove 250 miles today. Tomorrow we will be heading to Meridian, MS to spend the night before going to Alabama to visit with some friends.

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