Monday, June 15, 2015

Lunch at Mrs. Mac's and a dead laptop

In my last post I mentioned that my 17" Dell laptop was giving me serious problems and was that ever an understatement! I took it in to a local computer shop in Sebastian this morning to see if they could find out what was wrong and repair it.

Mike and I had some errands to run down in Vero and stopped at Mrs. Mac's Fillin' Station for lunch.

It reminds one of the old roadside restaurants that used to exist years ago. Everything there is "geared" to automobiles. We love the license plate menu covers!

The silverware is wrapped in shop towels (clean, of course, no grease) instead of the usual napkins. We enjoy the atmosphere and the food is excellent.

After we got home this afternoon, the computer shop called to tell me that the motherboard died on my laptop! He said he should be able to restore my data from the hard drive.

So after talking about it, Mike and I drove 83 miles down to the Apple store in Palm Beach
Gardens and I bought a iMac desktop with a 27" monitor and I bought Parallels software so I can run my Windows software on it. With Parallels I can run Windows on the Mac without having to reboot to switch between the 2 operating systems.

We stopped at the Dairy Queen here in Sebastian on our way home and we each got a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard - dinner!

I've played around with the Mac after we set it up in the office, but that is about all I can do for now until I get Windows on it, reinstall all my Windows programs and transfer the data.

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