Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Learning to use an iMac for the first time

I've been spending the last 2 weeks getting used to my new computer. I am going through a learning process with the Mac operating system. I bought the Mac version of Quicken and am working with it and the Windows version I've used for years just to see which one I prefer.

I decided to take the iMac in to the computer shop and have them install Parallels and install Windows 7 on it (I still had the original disks that came with the laptop). They also transferred my data from the laptop's hard drive and everything is working great.

We have had computers for YEARS - our first one was a Commodore 64 in the early 1980's and then we "upgraded" to a computer named The Clone made in Texas - yes, that really

Monday, June 15, 2015

Lunch at Mrs. Mac's and a dead laptop

In my last post I mentioned that my 17" Dell laptop was giving me serious problems and was that ever an understatement! I took it in to a local computer shop in Sebastian this morning to see if they could find out what was wrong and repair it.

Mike and I had some errands to run down in Vero and stopped at Mrs. Mac's Fillin' Station for lunch.

It reminds one of the old roadside restaurants that used to exist years ago. Everything there is "geared" to automobiles. We love the license plate menu covers!

The silverware is wrapped in shop towels (clean, of course, no grease) instead of the usual napkins. We enjoy the atmosphere and the food is excellent.

After we got home this afternoon, the computer shop called to tell me that the motherboard died on my laptop! He said he should be able to restore my data from the hard drive.

So after talking about it, Mike and I drove 83 miles down to the Apple store in Palm Beach

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mike's birthday & a malfunctioning computer

Wednesday we had 4½" of much needed rain. I'm still working on the Florida Pioneer Descendants application and documentation. I didn't get to work on it last week while Symphony and Dot were visiting - we had a good time and it was a welcome break from working on the application.

I not only have to have proof of birth, marriage, and death for all direct descendants, but also prove Florida territory residency for Mike's 3rd great-grandparents and 2nd great-grandfather. Then I have to list and number each document chronologically and by generation and enter that number by the event it corresponds to on the descendancy chart. I can use census records or other types of records for birth and marriage if no certificate exists, but then I have to have 2 documents to substantiate that fact. I have most of the documents I need, but I'm still missing a few records.

Saturday was Mike's birthday and Fletcher drove up to spend the weekend with us. We went up to the theater in West Melbourne to see the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron to watch it in 3-D and on the Imax screen. After the movie, we stopped at 5 Guys for hamburgers and fries which is what Mike wanted to have for dinner. Fletcher left Sunday morning to go back home.

I started having problems with my 17" Dell laptop last week and it got worse over this weekend. I'll be working on something and then the screen will go black and I can't get it to

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Visitors from Alabama

Thursday of last week Symphony arrived in her Winnebago Brave motorhome to visit for a few days.

She brought her friend Dot with her and they have been traveling around Florida visiting with their relatives the last couple of weeks. We had not met Dot before and we thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her.

On Friday and Saturday, Mike replaced the water filter on Symphony's RV and did a few odd jobs on it that she needed to have done.

On Saturday I took Symphony and Dot up to the Grant Antique Mall about 13 miles north of here. We pass by there whenever we drive up to Melbourne on U.S. 1, but have never