Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Campground Photos & Visit with Friends

This morning the rain let up and I was able to take a couple of photos of our campsite here at Big Lagoon State Park.

As you can see by the photo, the electric and water hookups are up near the entrance to our site. It's a good thing we have a long water hose and and electric cord.

After lunch we drove into Pensacola to visit with our friends Ann and Lance and Tinker came with us.The last time we were here was in September 2015 and they were having their house rebuilt after a fire
destroyed their home in 2014. They were renting a house then and we stayed with them for a few days.

Their original architect was able to find his copy of the plans for their original house, and they used those plans to rebuild this house. But they made some modifications and have a single story home this time. The floor plan is pretty close to the layout of the main floor of their first home here.

We've been friends with Ann and Lance since 1970 or '71 when we were living next door to each other at Hunter Army Airfield at Savannah, GA. We had a great visit with them and it was good to catch up on their news of the kids and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We don't get to see each other as often as we would like because of the distance apart that we live.

We spent the afternoon visiting with Ann and Lance and then we had to leave in order to get back to the State Park before sunset at 4:45 which is when the park closes.

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