Monday, November 30, 2015

Florida Pioneer Descendants Certificate Ceremony

Fletcher drove up from Ft. Lauderdale on Saturday Nov. 7 to stay for a few days. On Sunday we drove over to Kissimmee to visit with my brother Cyril who hasn't been feeling well lately. While we were there, Fletcher used his own stethoscope and blood pressure cuff to check Cyril's blood pressure

and compared his results against the ones Elaine got with their blood pressure machine and to see what prescriptions Cyril was taking.

On Tuesday Nov. 10 Mike, Fletcher and I drove down to the Vero Beach Library to attend the Indian River Genealogical Society's monthly meeting. Pam Cooper (Past President of the FL State Genealogical Society & Supervisor for the Library's Archives & Genealogical Department) and Pat Giordano (FSGS Pioneer Descendants Committee Chairman) presented Mike and Fletcher their FL Pioneer Descendants certificates & pins and I received my FL Pioneer Researcher certificate & pin for researching Mike's 3rd great-grandparents Silas & Avis Fletcher who settled on Indian Key in the 1820's. I also accepted a Descendant certificate for Mike's brother Chris who died earlier this year.

After the genealogy meeting Mike, Fletcher and I drove down to Mrs. Mac's and met our friends Mary and Carol (who are members of the society) and had lunch. After lunch we drove back home and then Fletcher left to drive back home.

The same week of the genealogy meeting we got news that a childhood friend of his had died suddenly and we drove down to Lake Worth on Nov. 14 for Randy's funeral. We saw a lot of friends from high school and there were photographs out around the room of Randy as he grew up and his family.

We drove over to Kissimmee on Thanksgiving to spend with my brother and his family. The rest of the month we didn't do much that would be newsworthy. We did attend the MOAA (Military Officers of American Association) luncheon this month on the 20th and we had our neighbor Barbara over for dinner on the 29th.


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