Thursday, December 31, 2015

Gardening and Helping our Neighbor

December has been a busy month for us.

We did some work on one of our flower beds and dug out all of the old plants except for a few Dracaena marginata plants that were already in there and we had a few growing in different places in the yard and we moved them to the flower bed with the others.

We bought 3 Drift Roses at Lowe's and planted them in the flower bed and added red mulch. We had to dig out some of the dirt to allow for the mulch and I did the digging and Mike emptied the wheelbarrow.

I have a "Janet Craig" Dracaena on the back patio and it is blooming!

Barbara (she's 82), our neighbor across the street, called us on Dec. 7 and told us she had fallen in her garage and that she had managed to get back in the house. Mike and I rushed over to see how she was and she had some scrapes on her arm and leg where she had fallen and her right foot was really painful. Long story short - we took her that afternoon to the emergency room here in Sebastian and she had broken a bone in her foot and was outfitted with a walking boot. She's not able to drive her car, so Mike and I have been taking her to the foot and ankle doctor for her broken foot and to her regular doctor appointments for this month. She's doing fine considering and has a visiting nurse come in regularly to help her.

We spent Christmas Day with my brother and his family in Kissimmee. Mike and I celebrated our 48th wedding anniversary by going to dinner at the Italian Cousin here in Sebastian.

We ate out at some of our favorite restaurants this month - Ay Jalisco, Sebastian Roadside, Sandwich Shack, C J Cannon's at the Vero airport and J. J. Manning's Irish Pub.

Today we drove up to the IMAX theater at West Melbourne to see Passengers in 3D and afterwards we stopped at 5 Guys for hamburgers and fries.

Tonight we're just staying home - we can hear a lot of fireworks in the neighborhood and Tinker gets a little anxious with the noise. If we make it up to midnight to see in the New Year, I'm betting we'll be heading to bed soon after.

So a late Merry Christmas to all. Happy New Year to everyone.

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