Sunday, November 1, 2015

New Flower Bed Planted & October Stuff

We spent most of October just working around the house. We did make a day trip over to Kissimmee on the 4th to visit with my brother and family.

Then we got ambitious and bought about 20 croton and 12 Ti plants at Home Depot on the 24th for the flower bed in front of our garage.

The flower bed isn't very wide but it is about 20 feet long and needed to be dug out in order to plant the crotons and Ti plants. Mike started out doing the digging, but it hurt his back so much that I took over. Well, it turns out that even with my lower back problems I am now the official "digger" and Mike became the wheelbarrow handler and dumper. It took us a few days to dig out the flower bed completely and then a couple of days to put in the plants and the mulch.

I waited until today to post because I wanted to take photos of our work on the flower bed  and didn't get them taken until today.

In the time between our visit to Kissimmee and putting in the new flower bed -

I attended the Indian River Genealogical Society's meeting on the 13th and Pam Cooper spoke about "Remember the Ladies" and how to research our women ancestors. Pam is the Archives & Indian River Genealogy Department Supervisor at the library. I always learn something new whenever Pam talks about genealogy.

We had our neighbor Barbara over for dinner on the 19th and we went over to her house for drinks on the 28th.

Mike and I drove down to Port St. Lucie on the 17th to go to the Home Show at the Civic Center there. Afterwards we stopped at the Cracker Barrel in Jensen Beach for lunch. I had the Salmon Patties and Mike ordered Momma's Pancake Breakfast with scrambled eggs and sausage links.

We also ate out at some of our favorite restaurants here in Sebastian - Sandwich Shack, Ay Jalisco Mexican, Vittorio's Pizzeria and Ruby Tuesday.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention last night was Halloween and we had 20 Trick-or-Treaters stop by the house.

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