Saturday, May 17, 2014

Brunch at Mulligan's for Mother's Day

It's been 9 weeks since we took our motorhome out to PPL Motorhomes and put it on consignment for sale. So far we haven't had any offers and after talking with PPL we have lowered our price some.

Last week we took Tinker to the vet to have his teeth cleaned and he had to have a molar pulled. He's been doing fine and hasn't had any problems eating.

I had been wanting a 2-drawer letter size file cabinet and went shopping for one last week at some of the thrift stores. I found a 2-drawer legal size file cabinet at the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Vero for $20 ($10 a drawer) and with the discount I paid $16. I have a couple of large drawers in the office that I've been keeping our household files in, but I wanted a file cabinet to put those files in so I could use office drawers for genealogy papers.

Tuesday of this week I went to the Indian River Genealogical Society's meeting at the main library in Vero. This is the second one I've been to and I had a good time. The society doesn't meet during the summer. There are a lot of members from the north who are only here during the winter months.

Last Sunday was Mother's Day and Mike and I went to Mulligan's for brunch. I had the Sunrise Omelet and Mike had pancakes. We had had brunch here last month with Chris and Carole and we ordered the same meals we had then.


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