Friday, March 30, 2012

Photos of RV park & lunch at Christine's

We've  reminded each other everyday to take photos here at Sunshine Travel RV Resort and didn't do it until this morning. Better late than never, I guess.

From Vero Beach

We left later this morning to go down to Christine & Matt's house in Vero Beach for lunch. Carol was already there when we arrived and Mary and John got there a little later. Matt was working at his restaurant J P Matty's in Sebastian, so he wouldn't be home until later this afternoon.

Before sitting down to eat lunch
we did take a photo of all of us.

From Vero Beach

For lunch we had a choice of bread, lunch meats and cheeses that we made sandwiches from and potato salad, macaroni salad, and chips. We had brought a large bottle of white Merlot to have with lunch. As you can see by the photo above, we started with the wine first.

We had a great time eating and talking and it ended too soon. Mary and John had to leave and then Carol left a little later.

Christine had gotten a new desktop computer and she had a couple of questions about it. Then we found out that her email program (Windows Live Mail) hadn't been set up on her computer - it hadn't even been downloaded. I downloaded the program and then set up her email so she wouldn't have to go on web mail to look at it.

While we were working on her computer, Matt came home from restaurant. It wasn't much later that he said goodbye (actually for him, goodnight) before he went to bed. Matt gets up early in the morning 3:30 or earlier (I think) to go to his restaurant, so he's ready for bed by
3 p.m.

After thanking Christine for lunch, we left a little later and stopped at the Sam's Club in Vero Beach for a couple of things before going back to the campground.

Tomorrow we're leaving and heading north towards Dothan, Alabama.

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