Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cindi & Ron come to dinner

We didn't do much today. I did go up to Publix for a couple of things I needed for dinner tonight.

Cindi called us when they were leaving their house to come over to the campground and Mike walked up to the entrance gate to meet them. In order to enter the campground we have to use a card that opens the gate, so Mike took our card with him so he could open the gate for Ron and Cindi.

Mike grilled chicken and we had macaroni salad and potato salad for dinner. We sat outside at the picnic table for dinner. When Cindi and Ron sat down on one side of the table, the table
started to tip over and Mike and I grabbed the table to stop it. So when dinner was over, we all got up very carefully from the table so it wouldn't tip over on us.

After putting the everything away after dinner, we all sat outside and enjoyed the weather. We had a nice breeze that kept us comfortable.

When we had been over at their house for dinner Monday, Tinker had gotten sick and thrown up twice. We thought maybe it was the excitement of visiting with Ron and Cindi. But Cindi told us tonight that after we had left their house Monday, she had found Tinker's paw prints in their shower and that he had licked a bar of bath soap. That explains why he got sick Monday night!

We had a good time visiting tonight until the mosquitoes finally started to really annoy us. Since it was getting late by then, Ron and Cindi decided to go home.

And no, we didn't take any photos - we were having such a good time talking we forgot all about taking in pictures!

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