Wednesday, May 1, 2019

We are Home

When we got up this morning at 7:00, the temp was in the mid-60's and humid and foggy. Right after breakfast, Mike went out to empty the black tank and flush it and then empty the gray tank. 

We left Madison Campground this morning at 8:40 and got on to I-10 East. We took the bypass around Jacksonville and stopped for gas at a Flying J just south of St. Augustine on I-95 and paid $3.249 a gallon for gas. We parked the car and trailer and went in to the Subway there and had lunch. We both ordered a turkey foot-long sub meal and we saved half of our subs for supper tonight. We then got back on to I-95 and exited at the Sebastian exit.

We arrived home at 3:00 and Mike backed the trailer on to the driveway. 

Tomorrow we will level the trailer and unhitch the car. Our neighbor Bruce came over to welcome us home and we thanked him for watching the house and he even watered our flowerbeds when he noticed the plants were drooping.

We unloaded the things we will need for tonight from the trailer and emptied the frig. Then an hour after
we got home, we had a huge downpour. We were so glad that we got in before it rained. We have had several heavy showers since we've been home.

I was curious to see how our flower beds looked and was totally surprised to see that the pineapple plant Fletcher gave me a couple of years ago had a pineapple growing. It must be 6-7" tall.

I had also cut back our crape myrtles before we left. Whoever had pruned them before we bought the house had committed "crape murder" and they never leaved out or bloomed much. So I was pleased to see a lot of new growth and they look the best they ever have.

Tonight I tallied up our expenses for this trip. Our gas cost was $2,068.15 and we drove 8,022 miles. Our campground costs were $1,576.90, our meals out were $835.20, sightseeing was $75 and laundromat costs was $34.50.

Now tomorrow the real work begins, emptying the trailer, dusting, vacuuming and cleaning and laundry. Not to mention that the trailer and car are both carrying dust and dirt from the national parks that we visited.

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