Friday, May 31, 2019

Back to normal after our trip

We've unloaded our clothes and emptied the refrigerator in the trailer and caught up on the laundry from our trip and cleaned the inside of the trailer - that took up the first half of this month. 

On the 4th I took Tinker in to the groomer's for a cut and bath which he really needed after our trip. We did bathe him when we were at Moab, but he hadn't been groomed since before we left in March. 

We went up to the IMAX theater in West Melbourne on the 7th to see the Avengers - Endgame movie and had dinner afterwards at the El Sombrero Mexican restaurant in Melbourne. 

I went to see my foot and ankle doctor in Vero about the plantar fasciitis in my right foot that started right before we left for Utah. I had an X-ray and an ultrasound done on my foot and got a cortisone injection in my heel. I also got a nylon brace to wear on my foot during the day and a list of exercises to do. So far between wearing the foot brace and doing the exercises and the cortisone shot, my pain level is much lower and I'm walking better. I just wish that the plantar fasciitis had started earlier, so I would have had time to see the doctor before we left on our trip. I was able to do some hiking, but for only the short trails and then the next day I would pay for it and have a lot of pain.

Tinker's allergies started bothering him after we had been home a couple of weeks. I took him to the groomer's for a bath hoping that would help with him scratching all the time. I ended up taking him to the vet and h
e prescribed Apoquel which has had a lot of success and we started Tinker off with 2 tablets a day for 2 weeks and then he just needs 1 a day. It really worked because Tinker quit scratching the same day we started him on the pills. 

We ate at a couple of our favorite restaurants here in Sebastian - Ay Jalisco and the Sandwich Shack. Mike had the tires on the Pilot rotated and balanced. 

As much fun as we had on our trip, it's nice to be back home and get back into our normal routine.

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