Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Getting Ready for Trip to Myakka River State Park

We leave tomorrow to go to Myakka River State Park, so we've been busy since the first of this month getting ready for the trip. Last week Mike ordered some oil from Amsoil for the Honda Pilot and we drove over to their distribution center in Orlando to pick up last Tuesday. Afterwards, we stopped at Burger Fi in Kissimmee for lunch. This was our second time eating at a Burger Fi (Fletcher took us to one in January) and it was just as good as the first time.

We ate breakfast with our friends at IHOP in Vero the last 2 Mondays. I took Tinker to the groomer last Saturday for the "works" - bath and haircut in preparation for our trip. 

Yesterday I went to the IRGS General Meeting. Our speaker was Sandra McKenny and she spoke on "Transcriptions, Abstracts and Extracts". She talked about how important it was to transcribe handwritten documents and how to do it correctly - misspellings and all. She explained the differences between abstracts and extracts of documents for genealogy.

I also stopped our newspaper delivery and had our mail held while we are on our trip. It's really handy that that can be done online, so I don't have to remember to call during office hours or fill out a form.

The IRGS in conjunction with the Family History Center in Vero is sponsoring a free genealogy conference
this Saturday in Vero. They have several speakers lined up and will be talking on different topics concerning genealogy and research. I went last year and had a good time and learned some pointers on researching. But I'll be missing it this year with our trip to Myakka State Park. However, i registered for the Conference and I was able to download the handouts from the various speakers. So I may miss the actual Conference, but I at least have the handouts so I haven't "missed" the whole thing.

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