Sunday, April 30, 2017

Buying items for the Travel Trailer

We've spent the rest of this month making a list of things that we need for the travel trailer. I found a microfiber sofa protector and one for the loveseat in burgundy and ordered them from Bed Bath & Beyond - they weren't available at our store. We wanted to add some touches of color since the cabinets and wood are a dark brown and the sofa and love seat are dark brown, too. 

After doing some research on light-weight vacuums, I bought a Shark Rocket Ultra-Light Stick Vacuum at our Bed Bath & Beyond store. It comes apart and is easy to stow in one of the cabinets. We're also looking for a small area rug to put down on the floor when the slide is out. The area we want for the rug isn't a standard size for area rugs, so it might be a while before we find something to fit.

The Friday after we got home from Silver Springs State Park, Mike and I went to the MOAA (Military Officers of America Assn.) luncheon at the Vero Beach Yacht Club. We had the Chopped Steak with potatoes for lunch. The speaker was Tom Doyle a former Special Agent with the Secret Service. He gave
a very interesting talk on his experiences with the Secret Service.

Mike made reservations at Sebastian Inlet State Park for June for 2 days for the 21st & 22nd. He had a hard time finding any campsites that were available and those were the first dates he could find. 

We remember when we spent one summer staying in some of the Florida State Parks and there were very few people staying in the campgrounds. A couple of times we were the only ones staying in the campground. But this year it looks like the campgrounds are going to be very busy and we may have a hard time getting in.

My hours are down on my part-time job for the medical practice. I only worked about 35 hours this month. I have gone through all of last year's records and bank statements and corrected the errors, so now I am only having to work on this year's records. The job doesn't take much time out of my day and I only work about an hour to an hour a half each day. 

Now I can get back to my genealogy research again - which I have missed not having the time to work on it.

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