Thursday, March 31, 2016

A Little More Gardening and Sue's Fall

We didn't do as much gardening this month. We did plant 4 Tibouchina Bushes and more Ti Plants in front of the house. 

Our Spanish Bayonet in the back yard is starting to bloom - not really crazy about the plants and we have to watch Tinker so he doesn't walk into the sharp ends of the leaves.

Last month our raspberry bougainvillea was looking really bad (I'm told its because of too much rain or water, OR not enough rain or water - go figure!)

and now take a look at it!

A couple of weeks ago on a Saturday, we had a really nice rain. On my way back into the garage after checking the mail, I slipped and fell and really hurt my ankle. At first I thought I had broken it, it hurt so BAD. I had planned on taking my cell phone with me, but I didn't since I was only going out to the mailbox. I crawled from the garage door to the door that
opens into the laundry room and yelled for Mike to come help me. He helped me up and into the house and put ice on my ankle and I took a lot of ibuprofen. I had been wearing a pair of Crocs that I had had for a long time and what little tread they have was worn off and they are very slippery on wet concrete or tile floors, 

Well, Sunday my ankle was still throbbing and the swelling hadn't gone down any even with the ice treatments - not to mention the deep shades of black and blue my foot was turning. We made a trip to the Emergency Room at the Sebastian Medical Center where they X-ray'd my foot (it's only sprained not broken) and outfitted me with a walking boot. 

They referred me to an ankle and foot doctor (the same one Barbara goes to for her broken foot) and I saw her a couple of days ago. She outfitted me with a much more comfortable boot. Oh yes, I now make a point of having my cell phone with me when I go outside of the house!

Barbara is feeling somewhat better and she had us over Easter for dinner. She fixed a pork loin, asparagus and potatoes served with wine, of course. She and Mike had their usual before dinner Dewar's drinks and I had some wine.

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