Sunday, November 30, 2014

New Storage Shed, Thanksgiving and Ancestry DNA kits

Earlier this month we bought a large storage shed and had it delivered. The building inspector came by on the 17th and approved the shed's installation.

On the 18th I attended the genealogical society's meeting and the guest speaker talked about locating military records for our ancestors. It was very interesting and I learned some things I didn't know about military records. After the meeting was over, Carol, Mary and I went to Toojay's Gourmet Deli in Vero for lunch. It was my first time eating there and everything looked good. You have to walk by the dessert counter first and it was very tempting.

Since then Mike and I made a ramp for it from plywood that we bought at Home Depot. Mike had one sheet of plywood cut in half on the diagonal at Home Depot and then we cut the halves down to the size we needed for the sides of the ramp.

Mike had bought resurface paint and painted the plywood floor in the shed and the ramp. The paint also gives the wood a rough texture.

From Our New Shed

The ground in front of the shed is uneven and Mike decided to use crushed shell to fill in so the ramp would be level. Since we don't have a pickup truck, Mike asked our next door neighbor Terry if he would take Mike down to get the crushed shell in Terry's truck. Terry offered to help Mike unload the crushed shell, but Mike said he would do it and that he really appreciated Terry helping him pick it up.

Once Mike had the crushed shell spread out he called Terry to come over and help him move the ramp out of our garage and put in down in front of the shed.

From Our New Shed

Mike has been putting up the wire shelving that we were given by my brother and our neighbor Tom before he starts moving stuff out of the garage into the shed.

We drove over to Kissimmee on Thanksgiving to have dinner with my brother and family. Elaine had ordered a turkey dinner with all of the trimmings from Publix and we just had to heat everything back up. My niece Kathy helped after Doug dropped her off and went back home and came over later with their sons. We had a great visit and Kathy and Doug's boys have really grown since we last saw them. Matter of fact we had such a good time, we forgot to take any photos.

I have been wanting to have our DNA tested for sometime now and had their DNA kits on sale for $79 ($20 off) and I ordered one for Mike and one for me. I'm curious to find out what our ethnic background is and how it compares to what our family stories say.

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