Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fixing Bedroom Window

We have an arched window in our bedroom and every morning the sun shining in the window wakes us up - usually a lot earlier than we want to get up. So on one of our many trips to Home Depot we saw some decorative window film and found a design that we really liked.

Yesterday we made patterns of the window panes and cut the window film and applied to our bedroom window. It doesn't totally block out the sun in the early morning, but it does reduce the brightness and it gives the window a stained-glass appearance.

From Sebastian

We met our friends Christine and Carol at JP Matty's for breakfast yesterday morning. We had a great breakfast and enjoyed catching up on each other's news.

A few years ago I bought a Nook Color reader and have enjoyed reading
books on it while we were traveling. It was great to be able to download ebooks from the Dothan library (I'd kept my library card active). After we moved here I got a library card at the Indian River County Library and have been downloading ebooks to read.

But this week I haven't been able to use my Nook because the battery has run down and the charger for it isn't working. After doing some research on the internet about my problem, I found out that the problem is the cord on the charger and the only solution is to buy a new charger.

I called Books-A-Million in Vero Beach and they had a charger that would work with the Nook Color, so we drove down to the store to buy a new charger. The charger is different than the one that came with my Nook and even though the battery is being charged, the battery icon doesn't show that the battery is being charged. As long as the battery gets fully charged and I can use my Nook again, I can live with the differences.

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