Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hurricane Matthew and After

Not too long after my post on Oct. 6 our power went off at 11:30. By then we were having 30-40 mph winds with 55-60 mph gusts.

Fortunately earlier that day we had turned down the A/C cooler than usual so in case our power did go off, it would take longer for the house to heat up. Mike walked Tinker one last time that night and we went to bed.

On Friday Oct. 7 we were having more frequent bands of rain and stronger winds. During one of the "lulls" in the weather, Mike went over to Barb's house and started her generator so it would run her refrigerator. He then started our generator which he moved to the front of our storage shed and connected it to the house. We can run the refrigerator, lights and ceiling fans. 

Fortunately Tinker hasn't been too nervous in the storm. But he's not too crazy about having to go outside to do his business with this storm and we try to take him out when it's not raining really hard. 

Hurricane Matthew stayed about 45-50 miles east of our coastline, so we didn't get the full brunt of the storm. But we did get 74 mph gusts Friday and 4½" of rain. 

By mid-afternoon Friday the worst was over and we went outside to see if we had any damage. The roof looks good and there was no damage to house or the storage shed - but the oak trees and the yard are another matter!

The tops of the trees have been stripped and are now all over the front yard. Our side lot looks worse.

Before the Storm

After Hurricane Matthew
Our power came back on Saturday at 5:30 p.m. It sure was nice to have air conditioning once again! We knew that with all of the trees we had, there would be a lot of debris after Hurricane Matthew. Mike had called Andre, our tree trimmer, earlier this week and arranged for him and his crew to come and clean up our yard once the storm was gone. 

They came late Saturday afternoon and loaded up the tree debris on the flatbed trailer and Andre's truck. But there was so much debris, they couldn't haul it all off and had to leave a huge pile for the county to pick up later. 

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